Created by Winter Stations, Ice Breakers is an invited competition in response to the stretch of urban waterfront between Yonge Street and Bathurst Street. The event intends to break the ice or provide a break from the cold by employing temporary installations along the waterfront.
Strategically located, the structures were intended to move in the wind and animate the square up close and from afar, with pivoting structures that celebrate sailboat technology and Toronto’s rich harbour history.
Created by Winter Stations, Ice Breakers is an invited competition in response to the stretch of urban waterfront between Yonge Street and Bathurst Street. The event intends to break the ice or provide a break from the cold by employing temporary installations along the waterfront.
Strategically located, the structures were intended to move in the wind and animate the square up close and from afar, with pivoting structures that celebrate sailboat technology and Toronto’s rich harbour history.